Even if your carpets appear clean at a glance, you could be surprised if you took a closer look. They might be full of organisms that are difficult to spot or remove without the help of professional carpet cleaners. Here are five surprising carpet inhabitants that could affect you and your family.
Dust mites are parasitic creatures that feed on dead skin flakes and dander that you and your pets create. While dust mites won't bite you like some other pests might, they can make respiratory issues such as asthma much worse and shouldn't be ignored.
If you have pets, you're at a higher risk of having fleas in your home or apartment. According to our team, fleas lay eggs in carpets and multiply, so getting rid of them early on is key.
Carpet beetles are also known as skin beetles and larder beetles. They thrive on fabrics and other soft materials your animals leave behind. These tiny bugs might not seem like a big deal, but they can cause extensive damage to your home.
Our experts say bed bugs cause massive problems for people all over the world, and you can easily bring them home after staying at a hotel or friend's house. Unfortunately, these bed bugs can live in your carpets as well as your bedding, so replacing bedding may not be enough after an incident. It's important to schedule an appointment with your local carpet cleaners to be sure you've taken care of this issue completely.
In addition to various bugs and dirt, your carpets can be home to certain viruses and bacteria. According to the popular cleaning resource Oh So Spotless, viruses like norovirus can remain dormant in your carpet for up to six weeks and become airborne when somebody walks on the surface, causing issues like vomiting. This is an especially big concern for larger families.
You don't want to put your health or your family's health at risk, so keeping your carpets clean is crucial. There are several pests and other potential problems that can live in your carpets despite your best efforts. If you're looking for carpet cleaners you can count on to maintain the safety and hygiene of your home, contact our team at Dirt Free Carpet today!
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